Saturday, December 29, 2007


Thanksgiving was awesome. I went to the mountains - Elljay - about 2 hours outside of the city. I drove up the day of and then drove back that night. The cabin and the setting were really awesome. The food was ridiculously good and plentiful for 5 people. We had a ham and small turkey, sausage stuffing, cornbread stuffing, sweet potato casserole, kugel, green beans, mashed potatoes, spinach salad, and rolls. Ridiculously yummy! I had a really great time cooking and hanging out with all. I took some photos - but since I am so LATE in getting this post up - just going to send you flickr to look at them. Good times. Good people.

Dog Spot - No. 1

being a dog isn't easy. i spend a lot of my time napping so that i am ready at any moment to do what i do - walk, eat, chase, bark, nap, eat, chase, bark. i am excellent and protecting my bones from Newman and making sure everyone knows when the neighbor's drive up and when Ray, the mail man, is 100' from our door. HE'S ON HIS WAY. HE'S ON HIS WAY.

i am a people dog. i live for people. i live to have people come over.

christmas was nice. except for the vacuum. but my true day of bliss was the 26th. SHE invited people over for brunch. from my perspective - food and people are about the best the world has to offer. and people dropping food is pure bliss and i was certain i would get some petting and some snacks. i wasn't let down at all!
here is me with stacy. poor thing had bacon on her face. here let me help.
here i am with my people...

special thanks to tiff - for snapping these shots...and rubbing my ears. i LOVE that i tell you. LOVE it!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Stream of My Conscious

It is Friday night. I am at home and I have my soft clothes on. (Soft clothes would be pajamas except my soft closes are flannel and too hot for me to sleep in.) I have been wearing them since 5:45pm when I returned home from my last appointment of the day. It is cold, windy and damp outside. I have been on a construction site a good portion of the day in cute shoes not so much designed for the cold. I am thankful to be home. Thankful to have warm toes. Thankful to not have any real plans for once. I am thankful to be just be quiet for a little while. It will all change. Tomorrow I will hit the ground running with another trip to the vet for Sadie along with some work and chores around the house. The past week has been trying with Sadie as I try to learn her new ways. Ways that change without notice. My patients have been tried and tested and I imagine it might be this way for awhile. One day at a time. I have turned on the television to find Mary Poppins on. Can't think of the last time I watched this movie - but I always loved it. So, I am happily going to work on a little house pick up session with Mary Poppins as my company.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


My brother sent this to me. Thanks, Jason. It is fun and annoying all at the same time. I did much better the second time. And it makes me realize my eyes are old trying to find things on the screen - just a squint to see the countries. I am disappointed that there weren't any questions on the USSR but there again I am showing my age.

Click here for the fun and the horror.

My Kids

Pictures from my secret Santa kids - I loved flipping throw all of the pictures and seeing the smiling happy faces. I recognized my kids by the gifts.

Rowan is the girl on the right - she got roller skates/protective gear, Hanna Montana Books, Scrapbook, Barbie drawing thingee with glitter & lots of pink.

My boy is on the left in the yellow/blue shirt with the beaming smile. He got a soccer ball, Mexican Train game(one of my favorites), robot with remote control (this was pretty cool - I must say!) and books including Scooby Doo!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Dags doesn't really care about toys. She never has. She loves people, raw hides, cats & squirrels. I purchased dog toys for the gift giving season. I laid the gifts on my coffee table in the living room. Dagny helped herself to one of the toys. So I let her keep him. He is pretty cute. I like him too. She carries him around with her like a blanket.

Here is what happened while I was photographing her baby...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fashion Rewind

Last Tuesday I went shopping for the refuge kids I agreed to secret Santa. My friends Dean & Amy were spearheading the movement and it was really exceptionally well organized with information about the kids - what they like to do and their interests. I set aside Tuesday am to get the shopping done. I knocked off my shopping at Target and Barnes & Noble. While I was at Barnes & Noble, I happened to come across the Dick and Jane reading series. You remember it don't you? See Dick run. Run, Dick, Run. Well, it seems that Dick and Jane are wearing the same things they have been wearing since the 1950's. Check it out - here. I would have thought at some point in 5o+ years they would have updated the kids' wardrobes and loosened up Dick's collar. We made fun of them when I was a kid and I can't imagine what kids say about 'em now.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Its the end of th World

I am not having a good time. I am not at all happy about this unusually hot weather. I am not enjoying it. It is December and I want it to be cold. I want to wear my sweaters. I would even like to have one glimmer in my head that we MIGHT get snow. Right now - there are no glimmers in my head connected to snow. My friend Mary calls it the end of the world weather. And that is how it feels. One day it is 30 degrees and then the next day it is 72 degrees. And I swear one day it was 75 degrees and the sky was covered in an ominous gray sky that was dark with this bright light behind it trying to push past the ugly clouds out of the way. The kind of sky that tells you snow is coming or some bad ass thunder storm at the very least. But we had no snow. No storm. Not even a drop of rain.

I want cold. And I want it NOW.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Minor Miracle

I bought my house in April of 1998. When I bought the house it came without a City of Atlanta issued trash can and a broken recycle bin. I called to order both - a herbie curbie (trash can) and a recycle bin. Same call. I waited and then I bought a temporary can which the trash guys took and destroyed - it wasn't City of Atlanta issued. Finally after about 12 weeks, my herbie curbie showed up. I never received the recycle bin.

Over the last 9.5 years I have probably called 6 times requesting the replacement recycle bin. You can't go pick them up and you can't buy them either - that would be too easy. I called again about 6 weeks ago not really expecting to see one. I began thinking that I would pen a letter to the Mayor's office to see if they could help me procure one. I was paying for it every year with my trash bill and it was annoying.

Yesterday I walked out to find a new one on my stoop. I was shocked and excited. I now have a recycle bin that isn't broken AND has a lid. I am certain the recycle guys will be thrilled because now when they pick up in the rain the papers won't be all mushy. I should not be as thrilled as I am but now finally I have my recycle bin neatly tucked away on my porch. Oh, so convenient. And my neighbor, James, joyously was able to catch the guy and procure one for himself. We figure our bins will be run over within 6 weeks but for now it is a minor miracle.

Friday, December 7, 2007

You Got Mail!

Today's mailbox. the real one.

3 Holiday Cards
1 Statement on my IRA/SEP
3 Magazines - Pottery Barn, Front Gate & Allen Brothers
1 Comcast Bill (credit b/c I paid twice by accident)
2 Junkmail pieces

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kitty Kat

This is Sadie, who was recently diagnosed with beginning stages of kidney disease. She didn't seem to really care about any of that though. This is her annoying me as I tried to change the linens on the bed. She is beside herself with glee.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Daily Coyote

I love all things cute and furry. dogs, cats. and now coyotes. check out this blog.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Beautiful Shreddings

I have recently added a new shredder to my arsenal of home appliances. This shredder is amazing - it shreds junk mail IN the envelope! It eats staples and everything. The box says it will destroy credit cards and CD's but I have not yet tested those functions. For now I am deeply satisfied with all of the junk mail it eats. AND I can put the shreddings at the curb for the recyclers to pick up!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cleaning Volcanoes

A year ago, I noticed that whenever I ever I cleaned with the commercial products, I would feel like crap the next day. Hung over. And who wants a hang over from cleaning?! One of my staples in the cleaning arsenal now is White Vinegar. It is CHEAP and you can clean so much with the one product. The smell does not linger - so don't be afraid - and mixed with baking soda it is a great cleanser. There are so many recipes on line for the product on line.

There are also a few recipes on the back label of the bottle for cleaning along with some other uses of the product - like how it is good for sunburns and bug bites and how to build a volcano.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

FW:FW:FW:FW:FW I don't usually Forward these....

I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the email about rat poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing. Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.

I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time . I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000.00 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special email program.

I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.

I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.

I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.

Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an email to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.

Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer can buy gasoline without taking a man along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas.

I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr. Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put, "Under God" on their cans.

I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer. And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face... Disfiguring me for life.

I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

I no longer have any sneakers - but that will change once I receive my free replacement pair from Nike.

I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.

Thanks to you, I can't use any one's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt.

Thank you too for all the endless advice Andy Rooney has given us. I can live a better life now because he's told us how to fix everything.

And thanks to your great advice, I can't ever pick up $5.00 in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.

Oh, and don't forget this one either! I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from certain gas companies!

If you don't send this email to at least 47,000 people in the next 47 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:47 p.m. This afternoon and the fleas from 47 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's Cousin's beautician.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

mini cupcakes & crack dip

i just finished making mini cupcakes. i love cupcakes. they seem to be the rage. again. every 5 year old KNOWS the joy of a cupcake. it seems we adults have just discovered them though I know i loved them when i was a kid. especially when i could just lick the icing off of the top of them. i liked the top part of the cake and the icing the best.

and that is why mini cupcakes rock. one bite. that's all. heaven. and i don't frost them. oh no - i leave the frosting out for everyone to frost their own. it allows everyone to control their own amount of frosting - thick or thin. i made yellow cupcakes. the frosting will be chocolate. mmm.

dags was right there WAITING patiently for me to drop something on to the floor. she learned at my parents house when she was a puppy to sit sweetly and still in the kitchen and good things would happen. at my parents house, my dad would hand feed her some amazing treat like liver. now she lays in the dining room with her front paws crossing the threshold into the kitchen. but she knows if she sits there - good things happen. like me knocking off a mini-cake and it landing at her feet. it really was an accident. she knows the joy of a mini cupcake.

the other thing i prepped was artichoke dip. it is like crack on a cracker. yummy. garlic, cheese & artichokes. i was mixing it to take with me to dinner tomorrow. i did put a small amount into the oven to heat tonight for my dinner. yummy.

Feed Only When you are hungry

I know many people have subscribed to feeds on their favorite blogs to notify them when a new post has hit the blog. I tried it a while back. I didn't enjoy it. I hated it. Inevitably I would get an email telling me there was a new post and I would be too swamped to read it or rather read it and ENJOY it. I felt enormous pressure to go and read it as soon as I saw it in my box and then cranky if I didn't have time to read it and really savor it.

So I removed the feeds. I prefer the old fashioned way. I sit with my am coffee or my afternoon tea and visit each of my blog sites which are loaded into my Favorites list. When I find a new post, it is like a present I didn't expect but had hoped would be there. OH, JOY. OH, RAPTURE.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Finally after Pottery Barn lost the first one...the new couch is here. I don't know how you lose a couch but they did. It rocks. Now my den totally rocks. I'm a rockstar.

The tables I found in a store about a month ago. They are so cool - made from wine barrels complete with stamps on them.

I Stumbled Upon

This cool website. Designer Notebooks and Cards.

JHill Design. Go there and shop. Great holiday gifts. And of course I LOVE all things connected to writing - pens, paper, cards. Office products rule. And designer notebooks rule out of the stratosphere. Make your wife/girlfriend/mother happy. Order a few of these.
And yes - send me one too. or some note cards.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I recently took a class for my Eco Broker designation. It was a 3 day class and we learned about green products in the housing arena and the impact it has on people when buying a home. The class has really inspired me to learn more to help my clients as well as to learn more about action I can take in my own life and house.
I am making a concerted effort to change my energy usage and product buying habits to lower my bills and save our resources. I would love to hear what other people are doing on this front too - so let me hear from you.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kitty & the Pink Medicine

Bedroom Kitty has to take some meds. Robamox. It is pink. And smells like bubble gum. She does not enjoy it and hates me a for a solid 10 minutes after I force it down her.

I spent yesterday at the vet with an emergency visit and Sadie. She hates the car. That was fun. Did you know that lab work for a cat costs as much as a human? Yup. I also learned that cats age 8 to 10 years for every one of our years. Sadie is 100 to 125 years old by those numbers. I am feeling less sorry for my wallet* and wondering what a senior cat wants out of life. Besides being left alone by the Dog.

*The past 2 weeks have been one of those trying times we all go through and grit our teeth. For me - new washer/dryer, car service - surprise you need 2 new tires and the vet. It happens. We deal with it and move forward. And if you are as lucky as I am, you have tacos and margaritas with your friend MaryK in the afternoon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Since I was a kid, I have strived to create the perfect sleeping environment. My parents tell tales of me as a kid so snuggled into my self made nest created from blankets they couldn't see me and wasn't sure I was in there at all except for a sighting of a stray arm or leg poking out.

I have no clue why I did this. I do know that I still like to be snuggled into my bed especially in the cold months. My dog has this great bed where it rolls up on the sides so she can snuggle in and the roll of the bed keeps her back warm. If they made these in a queen size - I would have one. But part of the Dog's job is to provide warmth to ME on a cold night. Snuggle in and fill out a side of the nest. A one dog night. The cats are unrealiable as to where they decide to burrow in at any given night. I can't count on them in the nesting process. Dogs reliable. Cats not so much.

The winter months are challenging for the nest. I don't like to sleep in an overly warm room. I prefer the room to be a little chilly so that I can benefit from the layers of blankets. A down comforter is too hot. My house is 1920's so a little drafty comes with the territory. Over the years, I have added curtains and a headboard which help with the window drafts by my head. (picture below of curtains & head board. And unreliable Cat #1.) I don't like it when my nose freezes. It is a fine line to achieve the proper balance of comfort. I have been working towards the perfect environment for years and it is just trial and error to get the balance right.

In need of a blanket and a new mattress cover, I headed to Linens n Things yesterday. I stumbled upon a thickly padded matress cover that promissed me a spa experience. I added a blanket with electric wires to my basket too. I hated these as a kid because they were too hot but I was certain in 2007 they had come a long way. I hate that initial freezing once you crawl into bed and the sheets are cold and suck away body heat to break the frost. Thinking that a giant heating pad was just the way to solve the problem, I headed home to build the nest.

First I layered on the thick mattress pad that won the heart of the bedroom kitty aka unreliable Cat #1 - immediately. Then I added the freshly laundered sheets. The electric blanket was next. The quilt was added and followed by the dog blanket (really a person blanket but used when the dog is up there on the quilt). I tell you immediately I knew I had struck gold. There is a low setting on the blanket that worked like a charm at not only preheating the bed but keeping it just right all night long. I know it is early in the season but I am feeling good about it.

Leslie tells me that an electric blanket will take off 2 years from my life. I have read that a dog adds 7 years. I figure I am still 5 years ahead. And for the perfect nest, I am fine with those numbers.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Perfect Brown Food

I have in the oven a baked potato. Technically it is still just a potato baking but soon it will be dinner. I was going to make tortilla soup but I lost my senses and got to the grocery store without looking at the recipe. I plead coma nap. The rotissiere chickens were still cooking. It was then that I heard my name and turned to see a potato from Idaho beckoning me over to his bin.

I love potatoes. I believe potatoes are a perfect food. I am particularly fond of potatoes in the baked form. I like them as a side but often it is just too much food. So from time to time, I indulge in the baked potato as the center piece of my meal. I have lite sour cream, sharp cheddar cheese and scallions (no chives to be found) to top it. And of course - sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

The smell is wafting through the house now. Oh, My Gosh! I had planned on having a little pinot with dinner but I have just discovered that the bottle I thought was in there is not. Sunday. No wine purchasing.

I am off to set the table and get ready from my potato enjoyment.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cans & Cans

I am just going to tell you that you should go check out moisten manapkin for a great piece on can crimes - Check out it. Funny stuff.

While you are there - you should also watch some episodes of Simpson & Snatch. When you get to the site - the 'play' on the picture will work. not here though. Just there. play it there. go now. go on. NOW GO!
thanks, mary for letting me steal.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Cutest Thing I have Seen in a Long, Long Time.

Monk in space.
thanks, amber, for the quote.
thanks, bill, for the photo.
thanks, duke, for being duke.


I am waiting for Lowe's to call and tell me when they are going to deliver my washer & dryer so that I can wait for them to deliver the machines. Hurry up so I can wait some more. And then do a lot of laundry. It is chilly today. I know because the dog has told me. Suddenly the floor is too cold for her and she is at the end of my bed. Now I need to do laundry more than ever.

So I stumbled upon a blog with some stuff that if fun to read and stuff you probably don't know and you probably don't need to know...but what the hell. It is something fun to read.

The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary,is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.The only other word with the same amount of letters ispneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural.

The longest place-name still in use Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwenuakitanatahu, a New Zealand hill.
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

Alfred Hitchcock didn’t have a belly button.It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.
Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

The Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharaoh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.
There are more but you can go to the site yourself and keep reading. I am too busy waiting to just keep cutting and pasting.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I woke up after a restless sleep. I knew that I would be shopping for a washer and possibly a dryer too. I started my coffee maker trying to get my wits about me before the great search for washers/dryers. I don't like shopping for that sort of thing because I know that I get sucked into unnecessary things - luckily the doorway dictates a lot of my choices - so no fluff.

After starting my coffee, I ripped opened my mail from yesterday including my latest water bill. My bill was 4 times the usually amount! Now I will be dealing with the water company on the $170 bill. I have searched and see no evidence of a leak.

I dressed and went to grab my morning coffee to discover that my coffee maker had leaked all over the counter top, down the cabinet and onto the floor. Naturally I had cleaned the floors yesterday! Luckily enough I did get a cup of coffee out of the pot. The coffee pot was 9 years old so I knew it was time to say goodbye.

Today - I purchased a new washer and dryer and a new coffee pot. Tomorrow I will brew some strong coffee and chat with my friends at the water department.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


my washing machine has stopped spinning. I have already had my washer AND my dryer EACH fixed one time already this year (not to mention the previous fixes.) I said the next time one of them broke, I would replace the broken machine.

So, now I am searching. Aside from it being a chore to decide which features I need or don't need - I have the joy of also having to have one that fits through the door.

Friday, October 19, 2007

water water water

Here in Atlanta, the headline news night after night is about the drought and the water wars. The entire south is facing problems with the water reserves. At this point, Atlanta is in real danger of dry reservoirs in 80-90 days. And this is not a new problem or one that will resolve itself over the next few months. This problem has been around for several years. During the summers, we have cut back on lawn watering and when the fall hits, we find ourselves not worrying so much about the water. But this year the water shortage is going to follow us into 2008. And now we are national news.

Unfortunately, there is no plan for what happens now that we are in the danger zone. The Army Corps of Engineers is in a tough spot and unable to just cut off the water supply that flows to Florida for the power plant and the mussels due to federal law. But it seems that NO ONE has really ever investigated how much the amount of water to the power plant and mussels in Florida can be reduced. I am suprised that no one has taken any efforts for a back up plan before now. In my mind - which might be oversimplifying it all - why can't we ALL cut back some? Not just us humans - but the mussels too?

The courts are now involved. Alabama is mad because they have said for years that Georgia gets too much water. And Georgia is mad because we are sending our water to feed mussels and power plants. I don't mind sharing. I have learned a lot about how I can cut down on my water usage. I don't mind conservation at all and am sure my water usage is forever changed. And again - I am oversimplifying - but why can't we all share and work together on a solution. UNITED states.

The Atlanta Watershed has been a disaster for YEARS. There are so many leaks in the water system in the City of Atlanta that they cannot keep up and repair them. They openly admit it. Furthermore if you have a leak that is on the City side - you are not allowed to have it repaired by anyone but the City of Atlanta. The water system is old and desperate need of repairs. And in spite of all of the construction and growth of the past 15 years, it has only been since Mayor Franklin took over that any action has been taken to actively repair the problems. And with problems that are decades old they are not quick repairs. Changes are happening but we are loosing every day GALLONS of water to leaks.

My friend bought a new house in July of 2006. She has never had a water bill. She has made several phone calls and several trips to the City of Atlanta Watershed. They have told her that until her meter is entered into the system there is nothing they can do. They are in no hurry and have no plan to get that metered entered anytime soon. In addition to this, one of our new construction projects hadn't received a bill for over 2 years. This was a high density project. After investigating for almost a year and with the help of the Mayor's office, it was discovered that the water for the entire project had been hooked up to the fire hydrant lines. No bill or money will ever be collected for those 2 years of usage. Several reports I have read state the water usage in Atlanta has not changed significantly in several years. And my reply to that would be - how does anyone really know? There are not accurate records. And with people continuing to move into the City, how can our water usage stay the same over the past several years? And why with the problems we have had over the past several years with low water levels - why is there no contingency plan?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Face it!

Here is a fun little blog about faces...faces in places in fact is the title. It is enjoyable place to visit. Now - I wonder where I will see faces....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Last Lecture

My good friend, Bill, turned me onto this lecture in his blog, Real Buried Treasure. Bill always has interesting and funny things on his blog - a different perspective from me which I find enjoyable.

I sat down half watching the lecture. I was quickly drawn into listening to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. It is part of a series of lectures from Carnegie Mellon University. Randy's lecture is particularly poignant because he has terminal cancer and what is probably a few months of good health left due to the return of aggressive pancreatic cancer. It is really beautiful and worth the watch. He focuses on living out your childhood dreams. So grab a cup of coffee and watch!

In the event you don't have the right programs to watch the above link, most of the lecture is on You Tube.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I have been making lots of changes lately from the locks on my doors, my real estate company, and even my hair cut. I decided yesterday to change the look of the blog. I have come across so many that looked like my layout, I decided to strike out on my own. Of course when you use the public template your layout is going to be like other people's layout. Let's see how the look of the blog evolves over the next few weeks.

Feel free to make comments - as if any of you are shy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Netflix - Free Month

If any of you don't have Netflix, I just received an offer for a free month in my email inbox. Normally they give you a 2 week this is special. Or they just sold me that it was a great deal.

You can't already be a subscriber....but if you want to try it let me know.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Thanks for all your sweet messages and calls of love and concern. Rest assured I have changed all locks, cancelled or redirected all financial accounts, and take other measures.


Check out this comedy short. I am sending you over to my friend MK's blog b/c I would just repeat what she wrote and that would be plagiarism. Go right now and watch The Cat's Pajamas. Once you are on MK'S blog, you will also see the world of Simpson & Snatch - the pretty much daily adventures of 2 girls with their wacky friends, some beer, and a houseboat. Go watch those too. You should probably go ahead and ear mark her blog for future visits because she is a funny girl. Moisten Manapkin.

Sunny Days

Good things continue. Improv shows last night were AWESOME and a packed house. I played with both 485 and Canvas All Stars. Making the business move has lightened my head and it makes playing and having fun so much easier.

I just exchanged messages on myspace with my friend Adam who moved there about 2 weeks ago. It is crazy to think I can sit in my bed with my laptop (haha, thief - you won't stop me!), my cats and some really good strong coffee and talk to Adam! He also posted an entry in his blog about his adventures in China. It is written in vintage Adam so it was like having a conversation with him. He is funny with a great point of view. Pictures of Adam are on my flickr page with the guys for 485 - he is the one without glasses - the tall one.

While I would have had this weekend off ffrom open house duty anyway, I am really looking forward to some weekends of my own. AND the breeze and fabulousness of fall was in the air yesterday making it even more exciting to have some time off from work. I am looking forward to not only spending some leisure time on the weekends reading and visiting with folks but doing some yard work too. I know Dags will be thrilled with the prospects of further yard exploration. She explored the back forty yesterday with great joy and interest. The yard backs up to a dog area at Bass lofts. A mean golden came to the fence and barked at Dags. Frankly, I believe the golden to be completely jealous that Dagny has her own huge backyard. We feel for the apartment dogs without their own squirrels and trees. Then Dags figured out how to get into the neighbor's yard via a secret route through the alleyway and their secret gate. Jake, the neighbor, welcomed her with treats and coos. Jake is who helped out with Dags on Sunday. He walked her and calmed her down after the police arrived. So now they are fast friends.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Farting Rainbows

Today my world was full of rainbows. I found pictures still on my camera that were lost to the laptop. My back forty in the yard was cleared out and for 1/3 of the price the first guy quoted me AND it really opens up my yard and the neighbors yard! I am having a really good hair day!

Tonight I am off to play some improv and hopefully the farting rainbows will blow our way!

Going Home

Tuesday I moved my real estate license back to Harry Norman Realtors. It was the greatest feeling being back home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Saturday at 9:30 pm at the relapse theatre in midtown - come check out 485. This is our first performance as a trio and we are pumped about playing. We are sharing the night with Free Kittens & Canvas All Stars ( a team I play with too!).

The Show is only $5!!! Check out Jackpie for directions and details -

Classes start at the end of September - check 'em out! Information is on the website. Come play!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Falling Temperatures.

I woke up after a crappy night of sleep - not due to the break in but due to the headache, red wine, and midnight antics of Sadie. Hungover from the wine, headache and Tylenol PM, I was surprised with the anger still coursing through me. The intensity of my anger reminded me of that from the puberty years. Or PMS - not to freak out my male readers. I was still full of the Mother Fucker venom from the night before and that is how I still regarded my intruder.

I dressed and began the chores at hand before I could really think too much about all that I wanted to get done. I changed my locks on the back door which was loose. It had nothing to do with the robbery but I thought I would funnel some of that anger into a worthwhile task. I called all of my financial institutions and the credit bureau to put out a fraud alert. I called the police with follow up information as well as letting them know about new discoveries on things missing or moved. I called my insurance company and filed a report with them. I washed the almost brand new WHITE comforter in the guest room which the thief so rudely planted his dirty hands onto the comforter after shoveling open the window. I threw out the bread on my kitchen counter that wasn't quite shut - just in case this was something he touched or worse tried to bribe my Dags with to keep her occupied. Just better gone.

I walked outside which I hadn't done with the police and certainly hadn't done on red wine in the dark. I noticed my little Rubbermaid shed tool house was open and my little shovel on the ground with paint from the window sill still on it's lip. Good meal, eh? Naturally a few tools from the shed are gone. There is an indentation on the air conditioning compressor that must have made a dandy step ladder. The exterior of the window does not appear to need any repairs. At this point I am appreciative at how little damage to the house there is to repair. I am grateful that I don't feel violated or worried that someone has gone through my things. Just anger and even that is downgrading a bit.

During the course of the day, I found myself trying to figure out what the hell the thief had used to cart away my precious coins. The change was a substantial amount. Picture about $250 in quarters/nickels/dimes and some pennies. I checked for missing purses - all accounted for in the closet. I even thought that perhaps he just grabbed one of the bags in the laundry room from some previous purchase. Finally, I realized the get away bag was my gym bag. I laughed when I realized they had actually taken things out of the bag leaving me my hairbrush, magic hair towel and tampons. He even overlooked a wool change purse that was ready to be dumped into the change pile. They even took the coin wrappers off of the top of the change piles and left those for me.

While I realized a few other items had been moved - like my digital camera. It had been the coins and laptop they focused on in their exodus. It seems the thief preferred the less traceable no need to sell it factor of the coinage over my more valuable objects. I picture the Coin Star receiving my slush funds. I look around the house and I realize exactly how many things were not taken. Things that are valuable to my heart. For this I am truly thankful. My anger begins to die down. It is still there but now I can sit and eat lunch and do a little bit of real estate work.

My friends and neighbors have all been wonderful. Jody who walked down from his house in the thick of things to make sure I was alright. My fabulous next door neighbors held Dagny and loved her while the police were here and then they plowed me with the most delicious red wine. Everything taken can be replaced. I can start a new coin slush fund with the change purse they left me and the containers they left behind. My pets are fine. The house is fine. I am fine. I feel safe and still love my house.

By end of the afternoon, I had clearly leveled off from an anger level of MoFucker to lil'fucker.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mother Fuckers

Yup - that seems like a pretty harsh title. But frankly I don't have anything else to say except mother fucker(s). I came home this afternoon to find my house had been broken into - broad daylight and neighbors home. My laptop is gone. And about $250 in coins. It will be interesting to see what else is amiss.

The only thing I have to say is Mother Fucker.

(yes - i did call the police. and my neighbors helped with some red wine and comfort. Dagny was a little freaked out but seems fine to have the drama done with. I have been changing passwords as precaution and also putting my cards on alert. Tomorrow I will change the locks b/c it makes ME feel better.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I believe in recycling. I recycle - cans, bottles, plastics, yard debris and even my Christmas tree. I recycle to the Goodwill. I am even making more of an effort to drink filtered water over bottled water. But as I have been purging papers and files I have been astounded at the amount of paper I am tossing out and into the landfills. Thinking there had to be a place to recycle all of this paper....I did a little exploring on the world wide web.

Amazingly, I found on the City Atlanta web site a list of what I can recycle in my little curb side recycle bin. I am mortified to discover I have only minored in recycling. There are so many things I am allowed to put in that bin besides bottles and plastics. I vow to up my recycle efforts 100% effective immediately.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Enjoy Every Sandwich

My friend and a fellow Girl Fight Clubber - Tommy Housworth - writes. He writes real good. He writes great short stories, dynamic scripts for the corporate world and a blog. You should check out his blog and Enjoy Every Sandwich.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Week in Review

I had a really good week. At times I wanted to cry or scream. Sometimes I fought the urge to hit a couple of people. But at the end, I have to say it was a really good week.

I was sad to say goodbye to Adam. We 485'ers got together with Coach Dunn to watch our show. We watched it and that was good. Adam leaving that is not good for us but I am excited for him. Bill & I & Adam had a little Figo pasta. I am really grateful to have that dinner with Bill & Adam - laughing. It is hard to be sad when I know Adam is going on a great adventure. He promises to keep in touch.

On Tuesday Atlanta's Step Up Society came and hauled off the old desk and things that were ready to leave my house and find new homes. Man, oh, man. That is the best feeling letting go of all of that stuff! Out with the Old and In with the New.

On Thursday, I had lunch with Rory & his parents. Rory flew in from NYC and his parents drove over to pick him up. His parents are my Alabama family. I have known them since college. They came to see all our plays. They visited when I lived in NYC with Rory. I adore them. It was a great lunch and a nice treat in the middle of the week.

I had two closings this week and a walk thru for an upcoming closing. Closings are good. Real good. especially with all of the craziness of the mortgage world. The rules have changed and adaptation is key. But this past week was a good week for the working girl...except for the few moments I thought about throwing things at people. It was just a fleeting urge.

On Saturday - my new desk pieces arrived from the Pottery Barn. This is part of my trying to make my life more efficient. And of course - I am not one to sacrifice asthetics for order. I love my surroundings to be pleasant and beautiful. I am thankful for Rory and all of his advice on the design side of things. THANKS, RORY, for the color! The order part takes effort for me but as I am working my around the house purging away the clutter and reorganizing it all - it is getting easier. And I must say - I am quite pleased with my new work space. It is going to make me lots of money! All the drawers WORK and there are many drawers to tuck things away. And did I mention that everything matches????! I am pleased to say that I have the desktop and internet working quite nicely. No breaking of anything. AND Sadie has found her way back onto the top of the desk and under the light.

On Sunday - Rory rolled back my way. We ate dinner at Wisteria. It was a great meal and Jason, the chef, hung out with us for a while - telling jokes and buying us drinks. It was great to talk and laugh and eat a great meal. Thanks for the martini's, Jeff. Rory got to see his room for the first time too. Yup, I have named my guest room - Rory's room. He has been designing it for NYC and last night experienced his vision. Soon the curtains will arrive and most will be done in there! Today - we ate breakfast at the Biscuit and then off the airport. I am campaigning for him to move here. Dagny last night kept bringing him all of her toys and bones - trying to impress him. Even Newman hung out with us as we watched SouthPark. Good times.

It was a good week.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh Joy, Oh Rapture

I am a huge Netflix fan. I am one the four at a time subscribers. Most of my TV watching is through Netflix. just got better. Thanks to Dunn for letting me in on the Instant Watch Feature. You can watch on your computer a movie/tv show (great Discovery Channel/History stuff too) and it is included in your subscription fees. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Tap Star

My friend MK was cleaning out her old stuff from the attic and she discovered a doll.

From the depths of my own photo album, I unearthed this never before seen picture of me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


My affection towards Vista was short lived. So now, Bill, there are only 3 people who like it. And even that number could have dropped.

Yup - I am Definitely A Girl

I just received the call that my desk/office furniture is going to be delivered NEXT Saturday. And I am so excited. I will be on cloud 9 when i get the couch call in October.

Yup. Furniture excites me. Can't wait to find the perfect lamp for Rory's room.


I actually like this Windows Vistas. It is nice to me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back On Line

My replacement laptop arrived today. Yup the other one after 4 replaced mother board...died again. Mother F-ing...piece of plastic.

This new guy is enjoyable. Different model than the Mother F-ing one. I like the new one better - not just because it works. The keyboard feels better.

I am sure my blogs will be better with this laptop.

Monday, July 2, 2007

grown Up Stuff

I have had a deluge of things that need to be fixed around the house lately. The laptop - I am very pleased to say - is better than ever - and thus not on the list. I am on the couch enjoying the hell out of it. This weekends treat was my washer is broken. Well...technically it works it has just been washing the floor with every load it washes. Oh, Joy. Oh, Rapture. Repair guy returns tomorrow with the new pump. Hopefully the floor will not open up and eat the washer & dryer. Or the cats while they eat.

Things a grown up has to take care of.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Back on the Couch

When the nice guy came to fix my laptop it wouldn't fix. It seems multiple things were wrong. So he chatted with Dell and they sent him a ton of stuff to replace in the 'puter. I gave the laptop to the nice guy and he returned it today. It works. I am back on the couch with my laptop and I like this function of having the laptop. A lap and something on top of it. I am optimistic that these new repairs will take. The next option is a whole new computer. But i like surfing the net on my couch. I read far more of the blogs and bulletins out there. And Newman likes the laptop too. It puts me on the couch. Newman territory. He is curled up next to me holding his head so that when I type his head gets rubbed. Of course when the laptop wasn't here on my lap, Newman was. Maybe he has been sabotaging the computer.

I will be glad when this month is done. It has been a long long one.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Damn Laptop

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had an extended warranty on my Dell. Usually I don't do these things but I must have been smart enough to remember my previous laptop experiences. I had my laptop repaired all courtesy of Dell about 10 days ago. The nice man came to my house. And it worked! For 5 glorious days it worked. Then it just wouldn't turn on again.

I have chatted with Dell again today. They have made me take it apart and are going to send someone to work on it again. I offered to send it to them. But they like sending the guy to me. So I will get yet another mother board. I hope this takes care of it. I miss my laptop. I took it for granted.

Friday, June 1, 2007

The lost month of may

Eeeekkk....a month has zipped by and no post from me! I am sure that all ten of you who read are thrilled to see a new entry. And you are probably on the edge of your seats wondering where I have been.

I have been working insanely for the past month. And also dealing with the loss of my damn laptop. It stalled about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was certain it was just a temporary coma as it miraculously turned on and I smartly downloaded all pictures and files onto disks. No, I don't regularly back up. Yes, I do know that I am supposed to do so. Yes, I do know how incredibly lucky I was to revive the patient long enough to get the most important things extracted from the brain. Like pictures of real estate. and friends. and pets. and tax shit.

I have not yet taken the laptop in for diagnosis. Work has been so hectic that there has been little time for it. Selfishly things have been so stressful that when I had a free hours of time - I wanted to do something else and I was concerned I couldn't handle the news. On Wed, I had the laptop loaded and dressed to meet the Geek Squad at Best Buys. I stopped for lunch with some friends. One guy gave me great hope for the return of my laptop. He told me to try removing the battery and using the power cord directly. If that doesn't work he suggested finding the itty bit hole and rebooting with a paperclip. Thus far the first suggestion did not pull my little guy back from the darkness. I confess that I don't see the little pin hole and haven't tried that one yet. Am I prolonging the inevitable news of full on loss?

I have desktop - which I am using to deliver this blog. It has served me incredibly well for the past 5 or 6 years. It is a little slower than the laptop and doesn't let me sit on the couch or porch to type but it is reliable. This is the third laptop I have had in my life. The first 2 were Toshibas and they promptly died without much warning and the loss of all information AND both about 2 years after purchase. Certain that a Dell would not be like the Toshibas - I tried a laptop again after 4 years of solitary, yet dependable desktop useage. My plan was to use both and I did. Mostly I traveled to the couch or the front porch to work on the laptop. Wireless is amazing. And upon ocassion it traveled with me to various places outside of my yard. But the Dell, if it is indeed dead (still clinging to hope), lasted 15 months. WTF? I don't understand what it is with me and laptops.

I am beginning to think that I have some sort of magnetic field that kills laptops and cell phones. I used to go through those like crazy. All though those I dropped a lot - the laptop has never been dropped. The Blackberry - not my favorite phone - has served me well through the dropping. We will celebrate 2 years together in the late summer.

So, I will return to my blog with or without the laptop. I will hopefully find some exciting things to share with you... like my new painting...or the new attic decking recently installed...or an up and coming yard sale planned for Jessica. Oh, so many things are happening in June!

Friday, April 27, 2007


I just watched Enron the Smartest Guys in The Room. I confess I snoozed through part of the documentary, nonetheless, it was really a great watch and horrific at the same time. At times as I was watching it, I thought if this was a fictional movie who would believe it? I wouldn't. I would think that certainly with the eyes of the SEC, investors, analysts, employees, accountants, shareholders, auditors, etc that SOMEONE would figure it out and or report the crimes being committed. It is astounding what they did and the number of people involved in committing the crimes and/or covering up their deeds. For me what I find so completely unforgivable is the employees AND retirees who lost everything. Not the traders or most of the executives - not so worried about those guys - but the people who really didn't have a clue what was going on or were completely dependent on their salaries and their retirement funds from Enron. The middle class folks I worry about. I wonder how they will handle their retirements - particularly those who were in their retirements at the time it all happened.

Since about the age of 24 or maybe 25, I have been slightly obsessed about retirement funds. I don't know where this need to be fiscally solvent in my seventies emerged from but it just is in me and I accept it. I don't anticipate any expenses in my retirement actually coming from social security so in my head I don't plan on those funds being there for me. If there are funds from SS for me, then I will get a boob job or a butt lift or something crazy while I am tooling around with my blue hair in some hot convertible.

The movie reminded how strongly I feel about adults being responsible for their own selves in all things. I am all for everyone having the right to manage their own retirement funds. This includes the funds used to put into 'our' social security. I would rather be responsible for myself. But I know that our funds are really paying for folks who are in retirement now because they were told there would be SS for them.

Laissez Faire has always seemed like a really great idea to me on most things - from a state level to a personal one. Let me keep my money and save it my way. If I screw it all up, my fault. At the very least, I would like an option. An option to do it my way.

Friday, April 20, 2007

sleeping Duo

sleeping Duo
Originally uploaded by heighlo.
Dynamic duo....snuck in and took this before they could pretend they didn't like each other...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Saturday at the 'Pie

8pm - 485 & the orphanage

485 - Leigh, Bill, Adam & Duke

the orphanage - Leigh, Bill, Adam, duke, Katrina, Dewb, Sean

COME CHECK things out - it is some good fun and only $5 for the whole night!!!! Stay for the 9:30 show too - Einstein Meets Elvis. AND at 11pm is Knucklebones - Atlanta's Improv Mixer! Come play or just watch and this one is free. for directions to the Relapse Theatre on 14th Street. See you Saturday!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

MOVIE Review - Sssssss

A few weeks ago I was working late on the computer - trying to get some real estate listing photos down loaded. I like to watch movies while I do this sort of thing because there is a lot of waiting while the photos down load. I scanned through my on demand free movie selection. I choose to watch Sssssss. Boy was it fun to watch!!! Made in 1973 by Bernand L. Kowalski, the film stars Strother Martin, Dirk Benedict and Heather Menzies.

The plot is pretty predictable but that is what makes this whole genre fun for me to watch. Crazy scientist, Strother Martin, hires Dirk Benedict, college student, who falls in love with Heather Menzies, who is the daughter of the crazy snake scientist. Crazy scientist had a specialty and passion for snakes - including his beloved Harry, his pet snake. College boy is given shots to turn him into a snake with the brain of a man. College boy thinks the shots are venom to help up his immunity while he works with the crazy scientist and all of the poisonous snakes. All the while college boy falls in love with daughter. The opening has a note that the cast and crew worked with real snakes including poisonous ones. I would not have been in that film.

One of the joyous moments in the film is Snake boy in the county fair. The previous college boy assistant who is one of the crazy scientist's earlier and failed experiments is snake man. Awesome fun!!!

Movie was directed by Bernard L. Kowalski who has a long list of credits - beginning in 1957 on television and include: Rawhide, Mission Impossible, the Untouchables, Perry Mason, CHIPS, Baywatch Nights and many more. Movies - Night of the Blood Beast, Hot Car Girl & Attack of the Giant Leeches are also included in his credits. WOW!

Dirk Benedict looks about 18 years old in this film. We love him from his days on Battlestar Galactica and then A-Team. And you gotta love someone who had a few episodes on Love Boat as well. He is in his 60's now - hard to believe - and still working on projects.

Easter Possum

I let Dagny out this morning. She went completely bonkers with a bark reserved for live things. I knew without looking that last night we had caught our possum. Indeed on the side of the yard was the little guy in a trap. He had polished off the cat food left for him. MaryK is right - they are Cah-ute!

I thought that perhaps there was some great meaning with the possum arriving on Easter Sunday. But I think it has more to do with the fact it is cold out and the little guy was looking for a warm place - under my house.

The possum will get a new beginning today. He will get relocated in a witness protection program where he will get to live in a world where possums are welcomed. I am happy for the possum and his new life.

Possum 1 Newman 2

Friday, April 6, 2007

Peeps & Passover

Here is a ridiculous site....Peeps for Passover. Here is a teaser picture - the 5th plague - disease in livestock. check out the link for all of the plagues. I love too they have used the EASTER bunny peeps for passover.

Hot Posse Breakfast

Met some of the hot posse this am for a impromptu breakfast. We were at Highland Bakery on Highland Ave in Ponce Highlands. They have the best carrot cake of any place I know of in the city. Today's HP was Mel, Mitchell, jlu and me. I took some pics and here they are. Somehow I left without shots of Mitchell's beautiful face - but I did get a good one of her food. I love these ladies.

We were moved from one table to another...they incentivized our move with a cinnamon bun. We would have moved without a bribe but certainly happy to oblige with the demolition of the bun. Before I could pull out my camera, we dug into treat so there is only an after shot. YUMMY.

We all ordered versions of the breakfast sandwich. The bread on the left - rosemary garlic wheat (YUMMY!).

The other one is Mitchell's jalepeno foccacio which looked yummy.

This is just some silliness.....

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Clermont Lounge

Clermont Lounge made Wikipedia. You can read all about it on I Saw It On Ponce.

Giving the Bird

I got the bird today. The dead one in the backyard. Newman - I am assuming - is responsible for giving me the bird. I believe this to be his retaliation to being stuck in the possum trap.

Yummy in my Tummy

On Monday, I made my first trip to Belly General Store. I had never been there which is sad because I live very close to the Belly. But thanks to MaryK. for educating me on the place that has olive oil bagels and CUPCAKES!

I had a sesame seed bagel which are my favorite. I added bacon and eggs to the bagel. The bagel was out of this world delicious. Like no other bagel I have ever experienced. I also enjoyed a good cup of coffee. I just enjoyed mine straight up - black. They have lots of other good choices in the coffee arena so they can totally whip you up a latte or whatever you desire. I am thinking of the Rosemary bagel - RIGHT now. Wondering if I could talk the dog into driving down there to pick one up for me.

There is a lot of other great stuff in there too - like Meyer's Cleaning products and good chocolate. They also have a great section of nostalgic candy like Sugar Daddy's. There are pastas and cheeses and things like that too. An amazing array of sandwiches are offered too. Me - I am excited about the bagels and a place that makes cupcakes AND you can get a cupcake card - and your 13th cupcake is free. I am glad cupcakes are back.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


today is one of those days where i just don't have any motivation to do anything heroic - like heading up in the attic to pull out my spring clothes, or to actually put any clothes away or clean out the guest room for the furniture that will arrive when the delivery company announces the date. nope it is one of those days where i have done what had to be done but did it with little joy or even frustration. just full of nothing. i have ideas about what i should be doing around the house to purge and tidy up for spring and be a responsible homeowner. the ideas just seem to be ideas and not sure i can convert anything into action today. i will get something started today. lately starting things around the house is easy for me - it is getting them wrapped up.

the dog is snoring on her bed which is not helping to propel me off the couch and into the land of chores. i have spent a few hours on the computer doing some RE work. there is more i could be doing. today is not one of those days to do the coulds though. today is a day where i need an injection of direction and energy. a voice to tell me and inspire me to do something towards heroic or respectable movement. i have started washing some laundry and will change my bedding b/c that is one of my favorite things in the world - clean sheets. the cat will be annoyed as it will displace her for 5 minutes and she is queen of the bed. hopefully she will appreciate the efforts when i am done.

i did get frustrated - actually pissed - off earlier today. one of the things i had to do was put a for sale sign in a client's yard. cute house in cabbage town. i drove down to the house from a different direction than usual. a chance to see something new. but it led to me getting pissed off at the city of atlanta department of transportation. i love cabbage town - it is small neighborhood loaded with charm and really great houses. you can still find shotgun houses and there is yummy architecture - influenced by the victorian era - details on the houses as well as homes with 12' ceilings. the streets are narrow. parking on one side of the street makes the street wide enough for one car to drive down but certainly not two and probably not even one suburban. many of the streets are one way and some streets or sections are unpaved. charming place to be.

today though it was one of those annoying moments that made me cuss. the DOT is paving streets. now paving and fixing streets is a good thing. i support it and try to be patient when i incur it. and even though lately it seems to be they are repaving everywhere i seem to be traveling, i am all for the progress. but today - i was detoured on Carroll Street into the neighborhood. all fine. but once in the neighborhood, my detour route was impeded by MORE DOT people fixing MORE roads and putting out MORE detour signs in the path of the detour path. it was a fucking disaster with all of those trucks and one way streets. i don't understand why in the world would they not do one street at a time. and why would they not finish one street before starting another one? And certainly when you are doing the main street - Carroll St - would you not wait before you shut down the detour routes? it seems so simple. but i am not in charge of the DOT.

i am off to the land of productivity. the land of action. the land of finishing something i started.

~~~Update~~~i actually scrubbed down the laundry room. this is a pretty major task and not something i would normally point out b/c you probably don't want to know about dirt and stuff. but since i had trouble getting started it was great to end with a splurge of activity. started and finished.