Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kitty & the Pink Medicine

Bedroom Kitty has to take some meds. Robamox. It is pink. And smells like bubble gum. She does not enjoy it and hates me a for a solid 10 minutes after I force it down her.

I spent yesterday at the vet with an emergency visit and Sadie. She hates the car. That was fun. Did you know that lab work for a cat costs as much as a human? Yup. I also learned that cats age 8 to 10 years for every one of our years. Sadie is 100 to 125 years old by those numbers. I am feeling less sorry for my wallet* and wondering what a senior cat wants out of life. Besides being left alone by the Dog.

*The past 2 weeks have been one of those trying times we all go through and grit our teeth. For me - new washer/dryer, car service - surprise you need 2 new tires and the vet. It happens. We deal with it and move forward. And if you are as lucky as I am, you have tacos and margaritas with your friend MaryK in the afternoon.


maryk said...

just about any afternoon, i'm up for tacos and margaritas.

stacey said...

sorry for your kitty woes. so, we should totally hang out soon. no cats allowed.

ablebody said...

i second the taco-rita revolution.
how's today sound?

heighlo. said...

Crap, Matt - i could have used a taco-rita revolution today! sorry didn't see in time.