Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh Joy, Oh Rapture

I am a huge Netflix fan. I am one the four at a time subscribers. Most of my TV watching is through Netflix. WELLLL...it just got better. Thanks to Dunn for letting me in on the Instant Watch Feature. You can watch on your computer a movie/tv show (great Discovery Channel/History stuff too) and it is included in your subscription fees. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture.


Unknown said...


we should add each other to our Netflix friends list. I'm a 3 at a time person myself. Sometimes they sit for weeks, but I love knowing it's there.

And I love the instant watch feature, though they don't yet have enough of the stuff I want to watch immediately on there yet (the random Woody Allen movie, documentaries, concerts, and of course, XXX bondage flicks. Did I say that out loud? Oops...

maryk said...

i'm going to get a recliner as my next computer chair.

heighlo. said...

MK - that is brilliant!