Thursday, March 20, 2008


Newman has not had much blog time. I decided to try and capture Newman with my camera. He was not cooperative in the least. He rolled in dirt and moved out of the frame SO many times. He is superstitious and fears the camera is stealing his soul. Or he is a cat and he doesn't want to do what I want him to do.

I did finally get him in a couple of cat poses thanks to 2 dogs walking by with their person. It was short lived and then he was back to rolling in dirt, walking out of the frame, and otherly manly things.

I am sure one night very soon - tonight - he will make me pay for pulling him off his sleeping spot on the porch to be photographed. I will get a paw in the face around 3am telling me to come watch him eat. And about the time I am back asleep I will get a stare down and meow and another paw push on the cheek to let him out.

AND back to the business of being a cat.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Beautiful Horror

These pictures were forwarded to me. I wish I knew who to credit for the shots but alas I don't. For those of you out of town - the Bank of America building is the tall building in the far left of the pictures. Friday's Storm....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One of my favorite websites/blog to stop by, Apartment Therapy, had these pics on today's post:

The headline announced that a SF Scavenger Found for $300. I laughed so hard my coffee spit out of my mouth a little bit. This dresser is the exact replica or perhaps the exact one that was in my dorm rooms at Auburn. I believe if they had been left alone they would have been fine - but years of girls trying to decorate them left layers of glue and gunk (dirt sticks to glue - that is one of the many things I learned from my dorm time). The only solution was to add more contact paper and try to make them pretty. I had a the matching desk, too- though luckily it was spared the fate of contact paper.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I just ate Balela which I had never even heard of until I purchased it at Trader Joe's on Monroe yesterday. It is a delicious middle eastern salad! So good that I may have to experiment with a recipe so I can make vats for the spring & summer months!

Ingredients: chickpeas, black beans, tomatoes, red onions, parsley, mint (dried), lemon juice, cider vinegar, mix of canola oil/extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, garlic, black pepper.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Walk Away

Dags hates the vacuum. This seems reasonable. What seems crazy is that when I do vacuum and she is in another room she will immediately walk into the room I am vacuuming in. She stands at the doorway and looks at the vacuum and then looks at me with the big brown eyes - much the look when she is begging for food but without the drool. And then she will turn and walk out. She doesn't make a sound and she does this EVER time I vacuum.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lady Parts

I am playing tonight with my new improv team - Lady Parts. Really cool girls - Megan Peacock, Katrina Trivers & Jen Caldwell. This is our second show and if you can - you should come see us. 9:30 pm. $7 at Relapse Theatre. Check out the Jackpie site for directions and more information.

Girls ARE funny.


It is snowing! It has been on and off all morning. It is not really sticking but I don't care. I love waking up and looking out the window to white fluff falling. Even now the snow is swirling around. This makes me happy. For the first time in a few years - I am feeling like we had winter. And somehow having a winter makes spring all that much better.

Monday, March 3, 2008


one of the projects i have been working on for about 3+ years opened last week. the web site just went live today. these are pretty sweet town homes and am excited to have 'em to sell. buy one, won't you?

Footnote - on the website - you will see this killer pic of skyline at night - that is Stacey's shot. she rocks, but you knew that didn't you?