Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I believe in recycling. I recycle - cans, bottles, plastics, yard debris and even my Christmas tree. I recycle to the Goodwill. I am even making more of an effort to drink filtered water over bottled water. But as I have been purging papers and files I have been astounded at the amount of paper I am tossing out and into the landfills. Thinking there had to be a place to recycle all of this paper....I did a little exploring on the world wide web.

Amazingly, I found on the City Atlanta web site a list of what I can recycle in my little curb side recycle bin. I am mortified to discover I have only minored in recycling. There are so many things I am allowed to put in that bin besides bottles and plastics. I vow to up my recycle efforts 100% effective immediately.