Sunday, December 9, 2007

Minor Miracle

I bought my house in April of 1998. When I bought the house it came without a City of Atlanta issued trash can and a broken recycle bin. I called to order both - a herbie curbie (trash can) and a recycle bin. Same call. I waited and then I bought a temporary can which the trash guys took and destroyed - it wasn't City of Atlanta issued. Finally after about 12 weeks, my herbie curbie showed up. I never received the recycle bin.

Over the last 9.5 years I have probably called 6 times requesting the replacement recycle bin. You can't go pick them up and you can't buy them either - that would be too easy. I called again about 6 weeks ago not really expecting to see one. I began thinking that I would pen a letter to the Mayor's office to see if they could help me procure one. I was paying for it every year with my trash bill and it was annoying.

Yesterday I walked out to find a new one on my stoop. I was shocked and excited. I now have a recycle bin that isn't broken AND has a lid. I am certain the recycle guys will be thrilled because now when they pick up in the rain the papers won't be all mushy. I should not be as thrilled as I am but now finally I have my recycle bin neatly tucked away on my porch. Oh, so convenient. And my neighbor, James, joyously was able to catch the guy and procure one for himself. We figure our bins will be run over within 6 weeks but for now it is a minor miracle.


Anonymous said...

The city of Atlanta trash guys destroyed my city issued trash can back in May, and I called asking for a replacement since the front and handle were torn off. The next week they took the broken one away, and despite a weekly call I still am without a replacement 8 weeks later. They tell me to just put my trash on the curb in plastic bags, as they won't pick up any other can. They tell me that If the dogs rip open the bags and scatter it everywhere it is my problem to clean up. You would not believe the flies we have now. I personally swatted about 15 in the house last week. So this is the city gov we live with. It took them 8 months to get my water bill corrected, and that took a letter to the mayor. Then they brag about the water dept call center's recent award for excellence. It is so sad that it is a little bit funny, except for the trash.