Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunny Days

Good things continue. Improv shows last night were AWESOME and a packed house. I played with both 485 and Canvas All Stars. Making the business move has lightened my head and it makes playing and having fun so much easier.

I just exchanged messages on myspace with my friend Adam who moved there about 2 weeks ago. It is crazy to think I can sit in my bed with my laptop (haha, thief - you won't stop me!), my cats and some really good strong coffee and talk to Adam! He also posted an entry in his blog about his adventures in China. It is written in vintage Adam so it was like having a conversation with him. He is funny with a great point of view. Pictures of Adam are on my flickr page with the guys for 485 - he is the one without glasses - the tall one.

While I would have had this weekend off ffrom open house duty anyway, I am really looking forward to some weekends of my own. AND the breeze and fabulousness of fall was in the air yesterday making it even more exciting to have some time off from work. I am looking forward to not only spending some leisure time on the weekends reading and visiting with folks but doing some yard work too. I know Dags will be thrilled with the prospects of further yard exploration. She explored the back forty yesterday with great joy and interest. The yard backs up to a dog area at Bass lofts. A mean golden came to the fence and barked at Dags. Frankly, I believe the golden to be completely jealous that Dagny has her own huge backyard. We feel for the apartment dogs without their own squirrels and trees. Then Dags figured out how to get into the neighbor's yard via a secret route through the alleyway and their secret gate. Jake, the neighbor, welcomed her with treats and coos. Jake is who helped out with Dags on Sunday. He walked her and calmed her down after the police arrived. So now they are fast friends.