Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Since I was a kid, I have strived to create the perfect sleeping environment. My parents tell tales of me as a kid so snuggled into my self made nest created from blankets they couldn't see me and wasn't sure I was in there at all except for a sighting of a stray arm or leg poking out.

I have no clue why I did this. I do know that I still like to be snuggled into my bed especially in the cold months. My dog has this great bed where it rolls up on the sides so she can snuggle in and the roll of the bed keeps her back warm. If they made these in a queen size - I would have one. But part of the Dog's job is to provide warmth to ME on a cold night. Snuggle in and fill out a side of the nest. A one dog night. The cats are unrealiable as to where they decide to burrow in at any given night. I can't count on them in the nesting process. Dogs reliable. Cats not so much.

The winter months are challenging for the nest. I don't like to sleep in an overly warm room. I prefer the room to be a little chilly so that I can benefit from the layers of blankets. A down comforter is too hot. My house is 1920's so a little drafty comes with the territory. Over the years, I have added curtains and a headboard which help with the window drafts by my head. (picture below of curtains & head board. And unreliable Cat #1.) I don't like it when my nose freezes. It is a fine line to achieve the proper balance of comfort. I have been working towards the perfect environment for years and it is just trial and error to get the balance right.

In need of a blanket and a new mattress cover, I headed to Linens n Things yesterday. I stumbled upon a thickly padded matress cover that promissed me a spa experience. I added a blanket with electric wires to my basket too. I hated these as a kid because they were too hot but I was certain in 2007 they had come a long way. I hate that initial freezing once you crawl into bed and the sheets are cold and suck away body heat to break the frost. Thinking that a giant heating pad was just the way to solve the problem, I headed home to build the nest.

First I layered on the thick mattress pad that won the heart of the bedroom kitty aka unreliable Cat #1 - immediately. Then I added the freshly laundered sheets. The electric blanket was next. The quilt was added and followed by the dog blanket (really a person blanket but used when the dog is up there on the quilt). I tell you immediately I knew I had struck gold. There is a low setting on the blanket that worked like a charm at not only preheating the bed but keeping it just right all night long. I know it is early in the season but I am feeling good about it.

Leslie tells me that an electric blanket will take off 2 years from my life. I have read that a dog adds 7 years. I figure I am still 5 years ahead. And for the perfect nest, I am fine with those numbers.


maryk said...

WHY does leslie say a heating blanket takes off 2 years???!? she is a weirdo.