Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Enjoy Every Sandwich

My friend and a fellow Girl Fight Clubber - Tommy Housworth - writes. He writes real good. He writes great short stories, dynamic scripts for the corporate world and a blog. You should check out his blog and Enjoy Every Sandwich.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Week in Review

I had a really good week. At times I wanted to cry or scream. Sometimes I fought the urge to hit a couple of people. But at the end, I have to say it was a really good week.

I was sad to say goodbye to Adam. We 485'ers got together with Coach Dunn to watch our show. We watched it and that was good. Adam leaving that is not good for us but I am excited for him. Bill & I & Adam had a little Figo pasta. I am really grateful to have that dinner with Bill & Adam - laughing. It is hard to be sad when I know Adam is going on a great adventure. He promises to keep in touch.

On Tuesday Atlanta's Step Up Society came and hauled off the old desk and things that were ready to leave my house and find new homes. Man, oh, man. That is the best feeling letting go of all of that stuff! Out with the Old and In with the New.

On Thursday, I had lunch with Rory & his parents. Rory flew in from NYC and his parents drove over to pick him up. His parents are my Alabama family. I have known them since college. They came to see all our plays. They visited when I lived in NYC with Rory. I adore them. It was a great lunch and a nice treat in the middle of the week.

I had two closings this week and a walk thru for an upcoming closing. Closings are good. Real good. especially with all of the craziness of the mortgage world. The rules have changed and adaptation is key. But this past week was a good week for the working girl...except for the few moments I thought about throwing things at people. It was just a fleeting urge.

On Saturday - my new desk pieces arrived from the Pottery Barn. This is part of my trying to make my life more efficient. And of course - I am not one to sacrifice asthetics for order. I love my surroundings to be pleasant and beautiful. I am thankful for Rory and all of his advice on the design side of things. THANKS, RORY, for the color! The order part takes effort for me but as I am working my around the house purging away the clutter and reorganizing it all - it is getting easier. And I must say - I am quite pleased with my new work space. It is going to make me lots of money! All the drawers WORK and there are many drawers to tuck things away. And did I mention that everything matches????! I am pleased to say that I have the desktop and internet working quite nicely. No breaking of anything. AND Sadie has found her way back onto the top of the desk and under the light.

On Sunday - Rory rolled back my way. We ate dinner at Wisteria. It was a great meal and Jason, the chef, hung out with us for a while - telling jokes and buying us drinks. It was great to talk and laugh and eat a great meal. Thanks for the martini's, Jeff. Rory got to see his room for the first time too. Yup, I have named my guest room - Rory's room. He has been designing it for NYC and last night experienced his vision. Soon the curtains will arrive and most will be done in there! Today - we ate breakfast at the Biscuit and then off the airport. I am campaigning for him to move here. Dagny last night kept bringing him all of her toys and bones - trying to impress him. Even Newman hung out with us as we watched SouthPark. Good times.

It was a good week.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh Joy, Oh Rapture

I am a huge Netflix fan. I am one the four at a time subscribers. Most of my TV watching is through Netflix. WELLLL...it just got better. Thanks to Dunn for letting me in on the Instant Watch Feature. You can watch on your computer a movie/tv show (great Discovery Channel/History stuff too) and it is included in your subscription fees. Oh Joy, Oh Rapture.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Tap Star

My friend MK was cleaning out her old stuff from the attic and she discovered a doll.

From the depths of my own photo album, I unearthed this never before seen picture of me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


My affection towards Vista was short lived. So now, Bill, there are only 3 people who like it. And even that number could have dropped.

Yup - I am Definitely A Girl

I just received the call that my desk/office furniture is going to be delivered NEXT Saturday. And I am so excited. I will be on cloud 9 when i get the couch call in October.

Yup. Furniture excites me. Can't wait to find the perfect lamp for Rory's room.


I actually like this Windows Vistas. It is nice to me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back On Line

My replacement laptop arrived today. Yup the other one after 4 replaced mother board...died again. Mother F-ing...piece of plastic.

This new guy is enjoyable. Different model than the Mother F-ing one. I like the new one better - not just because it works. The keyboard feels better.

I am sure my blogs will be better with this laptop.