Wednesday, April 4, 2007


today is one of those days where i just don't have any motivation to do anything heroic - like heading up in the attic to pull out my spring clothes, or to actually put any clothes away or clean out the guest room for the furniture that will arrive when the delivery company announces the date. nope it is one of those days where i have done what had to be done but did it with little joy or even frustration. just full of nothing. i have ideas about what i should be doing around the house to purge and tidy up for spring and be a responsible homeowner. the ideas just seem to be ideas and not sure i can convert anything into action today. i will get something started today. lately starting things around the house is easy for me - it is getting them wrapped up.

the dog is snoring on her bed which is not helping to propel me off the couch and into the land of chores. i have spent a few hours on the computer doing some RE work. there is more i could be doing. today is not one of those days to do the coulds though. today is a day where i need an injection of direction and energy. a voice to tell me and inspire me to do something towards heroic or respectable movement. i have started washing some laundry and will change my bedding b/c that is one of my favorite things in the world - clean sheets. the cat will be annoyed as it will displace her for 5 minutes and she is queen of the bed. hopefully she will appreciate the efforts when i am done.

i did get frustrated - actually pissed - off earlier today. one of the things i had to do was put a for sale sign in a client's yard. cute house in cabbage town. i drove down to the house from a different direction than usual. a chance to see something new. but it led to me getting pissed off at the city of atlanta department of transportation. i love cabbage town - it is small neighborhood loaded with charm and really great houses. you can still find shotgun houses and there is yummy architecture - influenced by the victorian era - details on the houses as well as homes with 12' ceilings. the streets are narrow. parking on one side of the street makes the street wide enough for one car to drive down but certainly not two and probably not even one suburban. many of the streets are one way and some streets or sections are unpaved. charming place to be.

today though it was one of those annoying moments that made me cuss. the DOT is paving streets. now paving and fixing streets is a good thing. i support it and try to be patient when i incur it. and even though lately it seems to be they are repaving everywhere i seem to be traveling, i am all for the progress. but today - i was detoured on Carroll Street into the neighborhood. all fine. but once in the neighborhood, my detour route was impeded by MORE DOT people fixing MORE roads and putting out MORE detour signs in the path of the detour path. it was a fucking disaster with all of those trucks and one way streets. i don't understand why in the world would they not do one street at a time. and why would they not finish one street before starting another one? And certainly when you are doing the main street - Carroll St - would you not wait before you shut down the detour routes? it seems so simple. but i am not in charge of the DOT.

i am off to the land of productivity. the land of action. the land of finishing something i started.

~~~Update~~~i actually scrubbed down the laundry room. this is a pretty major task and not something i would normally point out b/c you probably don't want to know about dirt and stuff. but since i had trouble getting started it was great to end with a splurge of activity. started and finished.