Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Perfect Brown Food

I have in the oven a baked potato. Technically it is still just a potato baking but soon it will be dinner. I was going to make tortilla soup but I lost my senses and got to the grocery store without looking at the recipe. I plead coma nap. The rotissiere chickens were still cooking. It was then that I heard my name and turned to see a potato from Idaho beckoning me over to his bin.

I love potatoes. I believe potatoes are a perfect food. I am particularly fond of potatoes in the baked form. I like them as a side but often it is just too much food. So from time to time, I indulge in the baked potato as the center piece of my meal. I have lite sour cream, sharp cheddar cheese and scallions (no chives to be found) to top it. And of course - sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

The smell is wafting through the house now. Oh, My Gosh! I had planned on having a little pinot with dinner but I have just discovered that the bottle I thought was in there is not. Sunday. No wine purchasing.

I am off to set the table and get ready from my potato enjoyment.


maryk said...

wow. you set a table?
i usually eat standing up in the kitchen.

heighlo. said...

I really mispoke b/c i wasn't actually setting a table ...i was setting the acrylic tray that i eat on in the den. my table.