Friday, June 1, 2007

The lost month of may

Eeeekkk....a month has zipped by and no post from me! I am sure that all ten of you who read are thrilled to see a new entry. And you are probably on the edge of your seats wondering where I have been.

I have been working insanely for the past month. And also dealing with the loss of my damn laptop. It stalled about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was certain it was just a temporary coma as it miraculously turned on and I smartly downloaded all pictures and files onto disks. No, I don't regularly back up. Yes, I do know that I am supposed to do so. Yes, I do know how incredibly lucky I was to revive the patient long enough to get the most important things extracted from the brain. Like pictures of real estate. and friends. and pets. and tax shit.

I have not yet taken the laptop in for diagnosis. Work has been so hectic that there has been little time for it. Selfishly things have been so stressful that when I had a free hours of time - I wanted to do something else and I was concerned I couldn't handle the news. On Wed, I had the laptop loaded and dressed to meet the Geek Squad at Best Buys. I stopped for lunch with some friends. One guy gave me great hope for the return of my laptop. He told me to try removing the battery and using the power cord directly. If that doesn't work he suggested finding the itty bit hole and rebooting with a paperclip. Thus far the first suggestion did not pull my little guy back from the darkness. I confess that I don't see the little pin hole and haven't tried that one yet. Am I prolonging the inevitable news of full on loss?

I have desktop - which I am using to deliver this blog. It has served me incredibly well for the past 5 or 6 years. It is a little slower than the laptop and doesn't let me sit on the couch or porch to type but it is reliable. This is the third laptop I have had in my life. The first 2 were Toshibas and they promptly died without much warning and the loss of all information AND both about 2 years after purchase. Certain that a Dell would not be like the Toshibas - I tried a laptop again after 4 years of solitary, yet dependable desktop useage. My plan was to use both and I did. Mostly I traveled to the couch or the front porch to work on the laptop. Wireless is amazing. And upon ocassion it traveled with me to various places outside of my yard. But the Dell, if it is indeed dead (still clinging to hope), lasted 15 months. WTF? I don't understand what it is with me and laptops.

I am beginning to think that I have some sort of magnetic field that kills laptops and cell phones. I used to go through those like crazy. All though those I dropped a lot - the laptop has never been dropped. The Blackberry - not my favorite phone - has served me well through the dropping. We will celebrate 2 years together in the late summer.

So, I will return to my blog with or without the laptop. I will hopefully find some exciting things to share with you... like my new painting...or the new attic decking recently installed...or an up and coming yard sale planned for Jessica. Oh, so many things are happening in June!