Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I recently took a class for my Eco Broker designation. It was a 3 day class and we learned about green products in the housing arena and the impact it has on people when buying a home. The class has really inspired me to learn more to help my clients as well as to learn more about action I can take in my own life and house.
I am making a concerted effort to change my energy usage and product buying habits to lower my bills and save our resources. I would love to hear what other people are doing on this front too - so let me hear from you.


maryk said...

i'm using shower water to water my plants.

and i pee in the sink every other time to save on flushing.

too much?

i really do water plants from shower water.
flourescent bulbs in all but 2 sockets.
try to unplug things when not in use.
cool hgtv show on yesterday where the househunter couple was looking for a green house. moving from green, to greener. biodiesel heated, rainwater capture system, awesome.


Anonymous said...


Journeyman said...

I'm not moved by all of the carbon hype, but I am motivated by my dislike of smog. I have often fantasized about the city constructed a gigantic fan that we could turn on and blow all of our smog away, but then it would just end up over some other town, I suppose.

My dad brought me up living in the dark, so I am anal about leaving anything on that requires electricity. My wife and I just bought a diesel car (yes, diesel do produce more smog pollution per gallon average but less overall because the total output of pollutants is 30% per mile because it burns fuel more efficiently).

I've tried the compact fluorescents twice. They lasted about two days. I hate the light they give off. I'm too beholden to incandescent bulbs at the moment. May someone invent one that lasts much longer.

I've halfway insulated under the subflooring in my basement, but still have about 500 square feet to go.

I installed an attic ventilation fan to pull out the scorching air during the summer so the A/C will run less.

I'll honestly say that all of these things and whatever else I have been doing have been motivated by my bills, not my eco-worries, however I do like the side benefit of reducing pollution whether or not it is the reason for the warming. I come from a philosophical school of making the least noticeable footprint in all endeavors (except popularity, of course) simply because I get pissed when I see trash alongside the road on my way home. I am in favor of extremely harsh penalties for littering and would favor weekends in jail plus heavy fines as punishment if it were permissible - mostly because not littering is probably one of the easiest laws a person can follow ever yet people still manage to cherish the environment inside their car cab for the few minutes it takes to drive home over the environment outside.

Maybe I prefer commenting to blogging.

heighlo. said...

I too HATE the light of those damn lights! Excellent commenting. You are a captain - you are supposed to comment on what others do. And since you are now an attorney you can charge for your comments. Now that is green.