Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Face it!

Here is a fun little blog about faces...faces in places in fact is the title. It is enjoyable place to visit. Now - I wonder where I will see faces....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Last Lecture

My good friend, Bill, turned me onto this lecture in his blog, Real Buried Treasure. Bill always has interesting and funny things on his blog - a different perspective from me which I find enjoyable.

I sat down half watching the lecture. I was quickly drawn into listening to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. It is part of a series of lectures from Carnegie Mellon University. Randy's lecture is particularly poignant because he has terminal cancer and what is probably a few months of good health left due to the return of aggressive pancreatic cancer. It is really beautiful and worth the watch. He focuses on living out your childhood dreams. So grab a cup of coffee and watch!

In the event you don't have the right programs to watch the above link, most of the lecture is on You Tube.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I have been making lots of changes lately from the locks on my doors, my real estate company, and even my hair cut. I decided yesterday to change the look of the blog. I have come across so many that looked like my layout, I decided to strike out on my own. Of course when you use the public template your layout is going to be like other people's layout. Let's see how the look of the blog evolves over the next few weeks.

Feel free to make comments - as if any of you are shy!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Netflix - Free Month

If any of you don't have Netflix, I just received an offer for a free month in my email inbox. Normally they give you a 2 week this is special. Or they just sold me that it was a great deal.

You can't already be a subscriber....but if you want to try it let me know.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Thanks for all your sweet messages and calls of love and concern. Rest assured I have changed all locks, cancelled or redirected all financial accounts, and take other measures.


Check out this comedy short. I am sending you over to my friend MK's blog b/c I would just repeat what she wrote and that would be plagiarism. Go right now and watch The Cat's Pajamas. Once you are on MK'S blog, you will also see the world of Simpson & Snatch - the pretty much daily adventures of 2 girls with their wacky friends, some beer, and a houseboat. Go watch those too. You should probably go ahead and ear mark her blog for future visits because she is a funny girl. Moisten Manapkin.

Sunny Days

Good things continue. Improv shows last night were AWESOME and a packed house. I played with both 485 and Canvas All Stars. Making the business move has lightened my head and it makes playing and having fun so much easier.

I just exchanged messages on myspace with my friend Adam who moved there about 2 weeks ago. It is crazy to think I can sit in my bed with my laptop (haha, thief - you won't stop me!), my cats and some really good strong coffee and talk to Adam! He also posted an entry in his blog about his adventures in China. It is written in vintage Adam so it was like having a conversation with him. He is funny with a great point of view. Pictures of Adam are on my flickr page with the guys for 485 - he is the one without glasses - the tall one.

While I would have had this weekend off ffrom open house duty anyway, I am really looking forward to some weekends of my own. AND the breeze and fabulousness of fall was in the air yesterday making it even more exciting to have some time off from work. I am looking forward to not only spending some leisure time on the weekends reading and visiting with folks but doing some yard work too. I know Dags will be thrilled with the prospects of further yard exploration. She explored the back forty yesterday with great joy and interest. The yard backs up to a dog area at Bass lofts. A mean golden came to the fence and barked at Dags. Frankly, I believe the golden to be completely jealous that Dagny has her own huge backyard. We feel for the apartment dogs without their own squirrels and trees. Then Dags figured out how to get into the neighbor's yard via a secret route through the alleyway and their secret gate. Jake, the neighbor, welcomed her with treats and coos. Jake is who helped out with Dags on Sunday. He walked her and calmed her down after the police arrived. So now they are fast friends.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Farting Rainbows

Today my world was full of rainbows. I found pictures still on my camera that were lost to the laptop. My back forty in the yard was cleared out and for 1/3 of the price the first guy quoted me AND it really opens up my yard and the neighbors yard! I am having a really good hair day!

Tonight I am off to play some improv and hopefully the farting rainbows will blow our way!

Going Home

Tuesday I moved my real estate license back to Harry Norman Realtors. It was the greatest feeling being back home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Saturday at 9:30 pm at the relapse theatre in midtown - come check out 485. This is our first performance as a trio and we are pumped about playing. We are sharing the night with Free Kittens & Canvas All Stars ( a team I play with too!).

The Show is only $5!!! Check out Jackpie for directions and details -

Classes start at the end of September - check 'em out! Information is on the website. Come play!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Falling Temperatures.

I woke up after a crappy night of sleep - not due to the break in but due to the headache, red wine, and midnight antics of Sadie. Hungover from the wine, headache and Tylenol PM, I was surprised with the anger still coursing through me. The intensity of my anger reminded me of that from the puberty years. Or PMS - not to freak out my male readers. I was still full of the Mother Fucker venom from the night before and that is how I still regarded my intruder.

I dressed and began the chores at hand before I could really think too much about all that I wanted to get done. I changed my locks on the back door which was loose. It had nothing to do with the robbery but I thought I would funnel some of that anger into a worthwhile task. I called all of my financial institutions and the credit bureau to put out a fraud alert. I called the police with follow up information as well as letting them know about new discoveries on things missing or moved. I called my insurance company and filed a report with them. I washed the almost brand new WHITE comforter in the guest room which the thief so rudely planted his dirty hands onto the comforter after shoveling open the window. I threw out the bread on my kitchen counter that wasn't quite shut - just in case this was something he touched or worse tried to bribe my Dags with to keep her occupied. Just better gone.

I walked outside which I hadn't done with the police and certainly hadn't done on red wine in the dark. I noticed my little Rubbermaid shed tool house was open and my little shovel on the ground with paint from the window sill still on it's lip. Good meal, eh? Naturally a few tools from the shed are gone. There is an indentation on the air conditioning compressor that must have made a dandy step ladder. The exterior of the window does not appear to need any repairs. At this point I am appreciative at how little damage to the house there is to repair. I am grateful that I don't feel violated or worried that someone has gone through my things. Just anger and even that is downgrading a bit.

During the course of the day, I found myself trying to figure out what the hell the thief had used to cart away my precious coins. The change was a substantial amount. Picture about $250 in quarters/nickels/dimes and some pennies. I checked for missing purses - all accounted for in the closet. I even thought that perhaps he just grabbed one of the bags in the laundry room from some previous purchase. Finally, I realized the get away bag was my gym bag. I laughed when I realized they had actually taken things out of the bag leaving me my hairbrush, magic hair towel and tampons. He even overlooked a wool change purse that was ready to be dumped into the change pile. They even took the coin wrappers off of the top of the change piles and left those for me.

While I realized a few other items had been moved - like my digital camera. It had been the coins and laptop they focused on in their exodus. It seems the thief preferred the less traceable no need to sell it factor of the coinage over my more valuable objects. I picture the Coin Star receiving my slush funds. I look around the house and I realize exactly how many things were not taken. Things that are valuable to my heart. For this I am truly thankful. My anger begins to die down. It is still there but now I can sit and eat lunch and do a little bit of real estate work.

My friends and neighbors have all been wonderful. Jody who walked down from his house in the thick of things to make sure I was alright. My fabulous next door neighbors held Dagny and loved her while the police were here and then they plowed me with the most delicious red wine. Everything taken can be replaced. I can start a new coin slush fund with the change purse they left me and the containers they left behind. My pets are fine. The house is fine. I am fine. I feel safe and still love my house.

By end of the afternoon, I had clearly leveled off from an anger level of MoFucker to lil'fucker.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mother Fuckers

Yup - that seems like a pretty harsh title. But frankly I don't have anything else to say except mother fucker(s). I came home this afternoon to find my house had been broken into - broad daylight and neighbors home. My laptop is gone. And about $250 in coins. It will be interesting to see what else is amiss.

The only thing I have to say is Mother Fucker.

(yes - i did call the police. and my neighbors helped with some red wine and comfort. Dagny was a little freaked out but seems fine to have the drama done with. I have been changing passwords as precaution and also putting my cards on alert. Tomorrow I will change the locks b/c it makes ME feel better.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I believe in recycling. I recycle - cans, bottles, plastics, yard debris and even my Christmas tree. I recycle to the Goodwill. I am even making more of an effort to drink filtered water over bottled water. But as I have been purging papers and files I have been astounded at the amount of paper I am tossing out and into the landfills. Thinking there had to be a place to recycle all of this paper....I did a little exploring on the world wide web.

Amazingly, I found on the City Atlanta web site a list of what I can recycle in my little curb side recycle bin. I am mortified to discover I have only minored in recycling. There are so many things I am allowed to put in that bin besides bottles and plastics. I vow to up my recycle efforts 100% effective immediately.