Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fan mail for Carrie Fisher

I just read an article on CNN.com that makes me LOVE Carrie Fisher more than when I woke up this morning. I have always liked Carrie Fisher. She always seems to call things what they are and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. And she reminds me of my friend - the late great - Beth Jones Kraft. I loved Beth and her candid honesty. She was one of the great funny ladies that influenced me early in my young adult life & career. I digress - what a surprise. But Carrie gets that transfer of affection because she shares a spirit that Beth had and I admire.

She has recently joined TCM's "Essentials - Movies that define what it means to be a classic." The article goes onto talk about the bad movies that Carrie made and how they won't appear on Essentials. Carrie talks about the fact that she chose to do some movies because she wanted to go to the location. Who can blame her? If given the chance to earn money AND go to Australia AND work in a film - I would sign on the dotted line and get my bags packed. I mean have done some bad ones for no pay and shot in the ATL.

Quote: "I've made films that are so bad there are cutaways to ashtrays for no reason, and you think there's going to be a meaning to the ashtray later on and there isn't," she says. "Oh, I've made some unbelievably bad films," she repeats, then audibly shrugs. "But you know, that's what we do. That's a career." Here is the article in full.

She sees the good and the bad as part of her journey. And she isn't afraid of bad hair ideas. I can't call them do's because they shouldn't be done.