Thursday, June 26, 2008

First day of Skool!

Gus no longer fits in his travel crate so we have been getting him acclimated to riding in the back seat. I am lifting him into the car which is a challenge as he is about 35 lbs. But the real problem is getting him out. He is uncertain about the down procedure. This morning he jumped out by himself but it was a slow uncertain maneuver and I sat patiently waiting for him to make the decision.

I took Gus today for his first day of doggy daycare. I was so nervous about leaving him and how he would deal with it all. I knew it would be good for him and a great place to spend the day when I have a long work day. When we pulled into the lot and I opened the door - he walked to the door - put his nose in the air and hopped down without any hesitation - like he'd always been doing it. Once inside, he didn't look back at me at all. He just eagerly went to the back to meet his other canine pals!

He spent about 4 hours there today. The reports from Barking Hound were that he had a great time and did well. He was in with the small dogs even though pound wise he outweighs them, but they are more forgiving than the larger dogs. He is still learning about his canine peers and how to play. But Gus is really easy going guy and great with other dogs and I knew it was going to be a great experience for him. When we got home, he was so exhausted I had to carry him out of the car!


maryk said...

LOVE that it went well.
he does seem like he would be a very social dog. i bet he will look forward to that, as hard as that is to accept for mom. !! that's good news!
and now you don't have to worry if you have to find a placce to put him in a hurry! you're very forward-think

heighlo. said...

We met the coolest dog yesterday with our little Inman Dog Group - Max, french bulldog. Max also goes to Barking Hound and would be in Gus' group. Gus LOVED LOVED Max. So hopefully they will get to be there on the same days!