Sunday, July 6, 2008

One Small Step For Mankind

I never wrote a list of new year's resolutions. I just thought about changes I wanted to make in my life. One of them was my goal to incorporate 8 things to make this planet a better place to live. More than anything - I wanted to be able to make changes that mattered and keep them as a part of my day to day life. One of the things - I have been working on has bringing my own grocery bags to the store. And while I can say - I have done a good job at bringing my own - I have not done a great job. And I was feeling pretty good about re-using the plastic bags for kitty litter and such. But today I have watched this video and I am thinking that I need to step up this goal from good to great. And give up all plastic bags.

Watch this slide show....the first part of it is really depressing but don't fear because the end will give you a surge of power knowing you really can do something!

Thanks to my stepmum, Jage, for sending this to me! Pass it on.


maryk said...

i don't wanna watch the slideshow if it's depressing. is it the thing about the sacred cows in the streets ingesting the plastic bags? i read that one on npr. it actually had a terrible ending, with little hope, as people are continuing, and don't care b/c the bags are so cheap. f-ing people!!!!!