Friday, April 18, 2008

Bouncing Back

Am on couch thinking how great it feels to not have to be anywhere for the evening. Over my right shoulder on the back of the couch is Newman. He is positioned so that he is safe from the chasing of Dagny and so that he purrs right into my ear. He is purring right in my ear because he is such a good boy and knows I love it. And he is reading this blog. I just realized he probably watched me type in the password and will be inviting all his cat friends in for scotch and cigars when I am at work. He would do that. Snuggle and sneak - side by side. That's my boy.

I spent yesterday afternoon and early evening with my friend Rene. We became best friends in junior high and remain friends today. She hasn't changed much either. By that I mean she looks great and hardly her age (our age). We had a great dinner at Wisteria and lovely visit.

I have been seriously thinking of getting a puppy. I am not sure if the feeling has passed or not. I confess that last night when my supposedly sick and elderly cat, Sadie, ran meowing across my sleeping body in the middle of the night - I thought perhaps I should ebay them all and just live free of pet hair. When I questioned Sadie in the am - she told me I had dreamed the entire thing. Full moon.