Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chinese New Year's Resolutions

In celebration of the Chinese New Year, I am adding a few resolutions to my year.

1. Read more books. I love books and used to consider myself an avid reader but the last few years, it just hasn't been happening. I pledge to complete "Middlesex" by mid March. I won't tell you when I started it; it's sad. Then I am going to read more books! Maybe even one a month!

2. Watch more movies. This I added to the CNY's resolution list to justify to my addiction to Netflicks. They are not paying me for that plug but they should. About $25/month would be good. My movie quest has been fueled by reading the Corporal's entries about his favorite movies. I realized there are several on his favorite list that I have never seen. Embarrassing really. You can check out the Corporal's movie list yourself on the Babiesmitbearden Blog. It is south of the yellow & brown food.

I am thrilled to announce that tonight I will be watching my first movie from the Corporal's list. Tonight's selection will be "Brick". I am beside myself with anticipation...waiting for the night to roll in and work day to be done!

3. Take more pictures. In this digital age it seems silly not re-ignite this lil' hobby. And, Dad, this time there won't be rolls of film of chain link fences, and I won't drop butter in the camera either.