Monday, August 25, 2008

One month later

It seems a month has flown by since I last wrote here. I have had good intentions just not delivered.

Dagny turned 10 this month. But those are people years so if you are doing your math - she is 70 years old in canine years. She rang in this happy occassion with a new earthdog collar and matching leash in the Demeter pattern. She looks great in it and not your typical old dog mauve. We'll got a shot for you soon. I see signs of her aging - not just with the occasional hip pain and the incontent meds but her hearing & smelling senses are dulling. I am always amazed at the new toys I bring home for Gus that she LOVES and sends me back to purchase a duplicate. While they share toys and she isn't allowed to steal from Gus (he wouldn't THINK of trying to steal from her) - it is best if on certain toys there are two. Even if somehow Dagny manages to grab them both onto her bed and maintain possession.

Gus was neutered last Tuesday. Two of his litter mates were being neutered/spayed on the same day. Gus had a good 10 lbs on them and tipped the scales at 51 lbs. Per the vet - he had "the largest testicles of the day and he held onto them". Holding onto them will make the men reading this cringe but it translates to more post surgery swelling and bruising and the greater need to be still and heal. He is recovering just fine but has oodles of energy and doesn't seem to get he is supposed to be taking it easy. He learned to jump on my bed 2 days after the surgery which I am pretty sure didn't fit into the vet's instructions to limit his activity. Tomorrow I am going to take him on a short walk to just get him out. He is driving all of us crazy. We have gone through a lot of chews this past week between him and Dags.


maryk said...

ahhhhh, holding on to them there testicleeez.

fare thee well balls, we hardly knew ye.

Katrina said...

"the largest testicles of the day..." I'm sure that's what he says about all the dogs. Glad to hear Gus took it like a man!

stacey said...


Gus...many sympathies.