Thursday, March 20, 2008


Newman has not had much blog time. I decided to try and capture Newman with my camera. He was not cooperative in the least. He rolled in dirt and moved out of the frame SO many times. He is superstitious and fears the camera is stealing his soul. Or he is a cat and he doesn't want to do what I want him to do.

I did finally get him in a couple of cat poses thanks to 2 dogs walking by with their person. It was short lived and then he was back to rolling in dirt, walking out of the frame, and otherly manly things.

I am sure one night very soon - tonight - he will make me pay for pulling him off his sleeping spot on the porch to be photographed. I will get a paw in the face around 3am telling me to come watch him eat. And about the time I am back asleep I will get a stare down and meow and another paw push on the cheek to let him out.

AND back to the business of being a cat.


maryk said...

he's the cutie boy!!

heighlo. said...

he loves him some maryk, too.

stacey said...

i LOVE that second pic! nice work! it's harder to shoot cats than it is to stand in molten lava.

heighlo. said...

i was particularly happy to capture the real nemwan...just cleaning his goods righ there on the street without a care in the world.